Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Samsung Galaxy S5 vs Google Nexus 5

google nexus 5 samsung galaxy s4 540x334


Samsung’s flagship World S5 signifies Samsung’s undertake Android getting its TouchWiz custom skin, and continuous support for features as being a removable battery and growing storage inside the World series. Evaluating it against Google Nexus 5 equals to evaluating two different visions about Android – Samsung getting its fancy TouchWiz interface and alternative application reality against Google’s vision within the pure Android operating-system undertaking a concepts of no growing storage or user-removable batteries.

Concurrently, both World S5 together with the Nexus 5 are top-shelf items with condition-of-the-art hardware. The Planet S5 has time on its side, since the newcomer in the marketplace, it features the newest plus much more effective Snapdragon 801 system nick, additionally to Samsung’s promising 16-megapixel camera. The Nexus 5, however, remains unmatched inside the ‘bang-for-the-buck’ segment since it costs around fifty percent the price inside the S5, while featuring almost equally capable hardware.

Precisely how does Samsung’s ” ” ” ” ” ” new world ” ” ” ” ” ” fare against Google’s showcase Android phone, the Nexus 5? And which wins inside the direct fight of features and gratification energy? Read onto uncover.


The Planet S5 brings a completely new new design as well as other color options, but it’s additionally a noticeably bigger device in comparison to Nexus 5. In exchange because of its bigger footprint, though, the S5 remains risk-free within the elements.

The Planet S5 offers a breath of outdoors for Samsung when the involves design. It’s built of plastic, however that plastic is styled in brand-new looks acquiring a unique dimpled soft-touch back, together with the entire package might be a diversity of fresh colors the gate – ‘electric blue’, ‘copper gold’, ‘shimmer white’, and ‘charcoal black’. The Nexus 5, however, may also be plastic, though a much more rubbery feel inside the soft-touch plastic body. It does not lack color variety either, as it’s accessible in white-colored-colored-colored-colored, black, or red-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored. Design is subjective matter, and then we won’t judge each one of these based on their outwards appearance, but anything you know is both phones are equally great – just choose the main one you’ll need better.

What’s not subjective might be the clearly visible size difference forwards and backwards. The Nexus 5 is a lot more compact in comparison to World S5 in several aspects: it’s 2.72”-wide, whereas the S5 measures 2.85”, together with the Nexus may also be shorter at 5.43” against 5.59” inside the S5. Additionally, Google’s smartphone may also be slightly thinner (.32” versus .34” inside the S5) and lighter (4.59oz versus 5.11oz). Overall, this makes for each difference that’s substantial for people who value compact-ness.

In exchange because of its bigger size, the planet S5 remains risk-free within the elements with IP67 certification. What this means is the telephone is dust protected and could withstand being submerged in water about 30 minutes inside the depth around 1 meter (3.3 foot).

We’ve already stated that Samsung’s flagship family people have offered removable back covers, growing storage, and user-exchangeable batteries immediately, together with the S5 is not any exception. Compared, the unibody Nexus 5 feels rather limited because regard – its battery is not user-exchangeable, and additionally it lacks memory expansion card slot.

When the involves buttons, the planet S5 features that signature for Samsung physical home key beneath the display acquiring a back and menu buttons around it. Another physical secrets are saved on its sides: the lock secret’s inside the right, together with the total amount buttons – inside the left, and they are all clicky and straightforward to press. The Nexus 5 in comparison features no physical secrets inside the front – rather it uses on-screen virtual buttons. Because the World S5 buttons are clicky and straightforward to press, the Nexus 5 takes button craftsmanship up a sum getting its ceramic physical secrets (lock key inside the right and volume rocker inside the left) that have this unique premium feel and are really simple to press with excellent travel, all little particulars that we’ve switched up at appreciate after while using the phone for a while.

However, the S5 also adds two factors that aren’t situated within the Nexus 5: a fingerprint scanner together with a heart-rate monitor.

The fingerprint scanner is really a feature we’ve noticed in items before extended, only recently, when using the apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple iphone 5s, it seems it becomes an a lot more refined implementation. The fingerprint site site site site site site visitors around the world S5, however, differs from the primary one inside the apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple iphone 5s. Inside the S5, you have to swipe within the almost straight line inside the feet within the screen and through the home key, although within the apple apple apple apple apple apple apple apple iphone 5s authenticating can be a simpler – simply touch the home key (you don’t have to really press it, or swipe through it). The fingerprint scanner inside the S5 can be a finicky, neglecting for hooking up up swipes within the side, which swipe implementation makes it hard to really take advantage within the fingerprint scanner getting just one hands. Inside the switch aspect, you can utilize the S5 sensor for further things like authenticating obligations on PayPal.

Another new feature in the world S5 is its heart-rate monitor, situated within the rear within the telephone, right beneath the camera. It’s the first time we come across this kind of scanner inside the smartphone, which knows measure your heart-rate (pulse). It operates by shooting infra-red-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored light inside your finger (you have to place your finger inside the sensor) and monitoring the progres in experience to build up a heart-rate measurement. Our experience guarantees that it is going to get accurate bloodstream stream stream stream pressure dimensions, nevertheless it requires some persistence: you need to be quiet just just just in case you measure your pulse watching for volume of moments for each correct result. It’s certainly not just a gimmick, but you have to understand that it provides single-time bloodstream stream stream stream pressure dimensions, and might not be a perfect fit for sports sports sports sports sports sports sports sports athletes who would like to think about the ceaseless change from the center beat throughout workout.

The Planet S5 also features an infra-red-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored-colored beamer on top you may use when using the WatchON application to handle Televisions, as well as other electronic items.

samsung galaxy s5 google nexus 5


The Planet S5 features a 5.1” 1080p display, just slightly bigger in comparison to 5” 1080p screen inside the Nexus 5. The Two use different technologies, though – Super AMOLED inside the S5, and LCD inside the Nexus 5.

The Samsung World S5 sports a 5.1-inch display, slightly bigger in comparison to 5-inch screen inside the Nexus 5. Are frequently high-res sections obtaining a solution of 1080 x 1920 pixels, but due to the slight improvement in display size, pixel density can be a greater inside the Nexus 5: 441ppi versus 432ppi inside the S5. This minute gap is actually impossible to put, though, as both screens look very sharp, rendering even small fonts clearly, which means you will not notice any pixelization either.

The parallels forwards and backwards shows, however, finish here. The Two use greatly different underlying technology: the Nexus 5 features an Liquid very acquiring a backlight to lighten, because the World S5 uses Samsung’s Super AMOLED technology that rather relies on light launched when using the organic diodes of every single single single single single pixel to produce up an image. AMOLED sections obtain benefits and disadvantages with notable advantages being their typically great contrast (due to the actual fact we have got we’ve got we have got we’ve got we have got we’ve got we have got we’ve got the technology allows for perfect pitch black) and outstanding viewing angles, together with the disadvantages including their frequently improper, overblown colors, reducing brightness. Inside the World S5, Samsung makes notable progress on overcoming many individuals limitations, inside the screen that’s better plus much more energy-efficient than earlier AMOLED sections. When using the gains the S5 makes in brightness and reduced screen reflectivity, it’s much easier to understand from outdoors, and goes practically on componen when using the Nexus 5 normally indicate.

When the involves colors, though, the planet S5 has not changed much inside the forerunners: inside the default Standard viewing mode, it features inaccurate color representation with predisposition for greenish tones and elevated colors. Color temperature reaches the whopping 8000K, techniques by greater than the 6500K ideal, resulting in blueish cold feel, instead of pure white-colored-colored-colored-colored. The issue improves just just just just just in case you modify for your Professional Photo mode (color temps are about 7200K then), but overall colors are again somewhat cooler and eco-friendly than you need to see.

However, we’re happy when using the visible within the Nexus 5. Colors relevant using this are very precisely modified, reaching carefully that coveted sRGB color gamut coverage. It is not a perfect screen, since it lacks a little of punch together with the whites appear slightly yellow-colored, but people are rather minute particulars, particularly a lot more comparison while using the World S5.

Samsung Galaxy S5 vs Google Nexus 5

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