Friday, January 17, 2014

HTC Desire 500 review

What is the HTC Desire 500?

The Htc Desire 500 is HTC’s new mid-range phone, available for around £200 SIM-free, £180 on pre-pay and from £17 approximately per month on contract. It features a 4-inch screen, a good overall spec along with a design that far surpasses what we are accustomed to only at that cost.

On paper it is a very promising phone, though like the majority of mid-range phones it presently has the formidable Nexus 5 to deal with, which – although £100 more – is really a tempting alternative given it is just £3 per month more about contract. Can the HTC compete?

Desire 500 featured image

HTC Desire 500: Design & Features

We love to the feel of the Htc Desire 500. It is available in three flavours: an all-black costume, whitened with red-colored trim and white with blue trim. Ours may be the whitened and red-colored variant, but each one has its charm and also the quality and feel from the phone within the hands are extremely reassuring. It’s plastic, however it feels more durable and more expensive compared to Samsung Galaxy S4, though we are unsure if the reflects well around the HTC or badly around the Samsung. Most likely the second.

Regardless, it is a classy, svelte and lightweight phone (just 123g) without any annoying humps or sharp corners. The only real physical buttons would be the energy/hold button at the very top and volume controls around the right. If there exists a critique from the Desire 500′s design it’s the volume buttons are difficult to discover by feel alone, but it is not really a serious issue so we rather such as the way they are built-into the coloured trim, aesthetically.

Desire 500c

The only real visible connection may be the standard miniUSB charging port, but prise from the back and you will find a sd card slot. It’s required given there’s only 4GB onboard, which approximately 3GB has already been paid for for before you decide to install any applications.

Wireless connectivity is well focused for because of Wi-Fi (802.11n), Gps navigation/AGPS, Bluetooth 4., the second becoming an impressive addition only at that cost. There is no space for NFC, but that is almost not a dire omission. It runs Android 4.1.2 means the need 500 is a touch behind the occasions, though this should not delay the typical buyer.

Desire 500ad

HTC Desire 500: Screen Quality

Neither if the screen, that is a decent effort. Its 800 x 480 resolution fails to deliver from the pixel compressing achievements from the Samsung Galaxy S4 (440 ppi) or Nexus 5 (445 ppi), however the more compact 4.3-inch frame guarantees an acceptable 217 pixels per inch (ppi). You will see just a little fuzziness around text when seen close-up, but held in a reasonable distance the Htc Desire 500′s screen looks adequate.

desire 5

This really is assisted through the exceptional brightness and contrast for any phone only at that cost. The brightness is really a particular highlight, without doubt because of using an Vast screen instead of the AMOLED type seen on some high-finish phones. This peak brightness really helps when outdoors, in which the Desire 500′s screen is simpler to make use of than many cheap phones.

Colour and contrast, meanwhile, don’t achieve the levels of the AMOLED screen, but they are excellent for any phone only at that cost. You will have no complaints when viewing photos or watching videos.

HTC Desire 500 review

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